Resource Efficiency

Resource Efficiency

Natural resources are essential production factors and thus one of the pillars of our prosperity. At the same time, however, the use of raw materials negatively impacts the environment, ranging from emissions of greenhouse gases and pollutants into the air, water and soil to the impairment of ecosystems and biodiversity. This means that sustainable societies must have the capability to use natural resources responsibly and efficiently.

  • Baustelle

    ProgRess about

    German Resource Efficiency Programme

  • Zahnrad

    ProgRess II about

    Programme for the sustainable use and conservation of natural resources

  • Fahnen der G20 Mitgliedsstaaten

    Resource efficiency in the G20 about

    In Hamburg, the G20 countries decided to establish a G20 Resource Efficiency Dialogue.

Latest on Resource Efficiency

Press International | 16.04.24

China and Germany launch Dialogue

Steffi Lemke signed an Action Plan on circular economy and resource efficiency. The countries’ intent is to intensify their joint work in environmental policy and point the way for specific types of environmental cooperation.

Flagge mit COP28-Logo vor blauem Himmel
Press International | 13.12.23

COP28: Transition away from fossil fuels

At COP28 in Dubai, the global community agreed for the first time to move away from oil, gas and coal. Other goals agreed include tripling global renewable energy capacity and doubling the rate of energy efficiency by 2030.

Press Circular Economy | 20.04.23

Circular economy must become a driver for environmental protection

In line with the EU's plans, the German government is striving for the transformation to a circular economy that uses resources sparingly. The National Circular Economy Strategy is intended to bundle the goals necessary for this.

Luftaufnahme einer Bergstraße, die durch eine Waldlandschaft führt.
Press Circular Economy | 19.01.23

Standardization Roadmap Circular Economy

The Roadmap describes the circular economy challenges that businesses face and presents the standards and specifications needed to address them.

Press Verbraucherschutz | 17.12.22

Repairability clearly visible on new EU energy label

The European Commission, in cooperation with the EU member states, has decided to introduce an EU energy label for smartphones and tablets. For the first time, the label will also feature a repairability index.

Press Consumption and Products | 18.11.22

Smartphones and tablets will be easier to repair in future

With New Ecodesign requirements, manufacturers of certain product groups must now provide spare parts and repair information and ensure software updates.

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