EU member states pave way for zero-emission cars from 2035

The new regulation of the CO2 fleet limits decided by the EU member states in Brussels is a great step forward for European climate protection.

The revised rules on CO2 emission performance standards adopted in Brussels today by EU member states are a major step forward for European climate policy. Under the new regulation, from 2035, all new cars and vans registered in the EU are set to be zero emission. Previously registered vehicles with combustion engines can remain in operation. Today’s decision marks the conclusion of the legislative process at EU level, enabling the regulation to enter into force. At the same time, the European Commission indicated willingness in the coming months to create an option outside of the fleet standards for registering vehicles with combustion engines after 2035 if they run exclusively on CO2-neutral fuels. This will require establishing a new category for vehicles running exclusively on e-fuels.

Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke commented: "The member states today voted in favour of zero-carbon new vehicles from 2035, sending a strong message for the ramp-up of electric vehicles. This is a key step towards achieving Europe’s climate targets in the transport sector and is also vital for the EU Fit for 55 package as a whole. It provides the automotive industry with the needed planning certainty. Electric vehicles are more efficient, more cost effective and above all zero emissions. It is good that we were able to reach a solution with the European Commission that paves the way for the new fleet emission targets while taking into account the concerns of the German Free Democrats."

28.03.2023 | Press release No. 048/23 | Mobility
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